Orkan Sabine outside the window, my collared dove and Jakub Orliński in the background.
Construction of the Łagiewnicka Route.
Construction of the Łagiewnicka Route / Budowa Trasy Łagiewnickiej
Just around the corner. The huge investment ruined the idyllic landscape. Trees were cut down, more than a century old oaks, houses were demolished, the course of the river changed. it’s all under the plan from 30 years ago when the city was half the size. Now traffic is being introduced into the densely populated part rather than moving outside of the city.
Zaraz za rogiem. Ogromna, inwestycja zrujnowała sielski krajobraz. Wycięto drzewa, ponad stuletnie dęby, wyburzono domy, zmieniono bieg rzeki. To wszystko w ramach planu z przed 30 lat gdy miasto było o polowę mniejsze. Teraz wprowadza się ruch do części gęsto zaludnionej zamiast go wyprowadzać poza miasto.
My new mini video.
Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere mei, Deus
Tenebrae Choir, conducted by Nigel Short
One of the greatest masterpieces ever written.
It was intended to be performed only once a year – during Holy Week – in the Sistine Chapel. The manuscript of the work was stored in the Chapel’s archive and, under threat of excommunication, it was not allowed to take it out, copy and distribute it.
The work itself is a sublime nine-voice setting of Psalm 51.
Teenager Mozart, once heard Allegri’s Miserere being performed in the Sistine Chapel wrote down the entire work from memory… /www.classicfm.com /
Jay (Garrulus glandarius). Today view form my window 26.01.2020, Krakow, Poland.
Sójka (Garrulus glandarius). Dziś widok z mojego okna 26.01.2020, Kraków.
New album Sparidae by Distile with my FISH on cover.
Nowy album Sparidae – Distile z moim projektem grafiki FISH /Water Collection / na okładce.