Bird feeder with a view.
My last design ispired by MOCAK (Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow) architecure.
New bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar Collection.
Bird feeder MOCAK available at MOCAK Bookstore
+7 degrees. Is it a time to stop feeding?
+7 degrees. Is it a time to stop feeding? My pupils still chętnie nabijać kołdun. What you think?
+ 7 stopni. Czy nadal dokarmiać? Moje pupilki wciąż chętnie nabijały by kołdun. Co myślicie?
Blue tit. MOCAK Bird Feeder
MOCAK Bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar bird feeder Collection.
Saturday’s blizzard.
MOCAK Bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar bird feeder Collection.
I call him „Donut” :)
MOCAK Bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar bird feeder Collection.
Mocak Bird Feeder
MOCAK Bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar bird feeder Collection.
It works! :) MOCAK Bird Feeder
MOCAK Bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar bird feeder Collection.
MOCAK Bird feeder on museum window.
MOCAK Bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar bird feeder Collection.
My recent project designed for MOCAK
Ispired by MOCAK (Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow) architecure.
Bird feeder from Tweet Resto Bar Collection
Bird feeder MOCAK available at MOCAK Bookstore
MOCAK architecture image – Rafał Sosin.