OWL Brooch goes to Marie in Spain.
OWL Brooch
handmade with natural materials like: white recycled fur, needle felted white and black merino wool, glass eyes.
Recycled fur was taken from closed and torn down last years an old tannery in Krakow: http://uczarczyk.pl/projects/old-tannery/
Ruled Jay!
My classic balcony bird feeder, and it ruled jay
A tymczasem w moim balkonowym karmniku rządzą sójki!
Stork on stalk :)
North Poland – Garczegorze, on crossroads lonely stork on stalk...
JAY, Eurasian Jay.
Shot in Krakow, from my roof window 🙂
I like jays, they are flying in droves around our neighborhood and make noise. I think that they are defending their territory against magpies, it was captured just in such a moment.
Long-tailed tit
Raniuszek (Aegithalos caudatus) 🙂
Long-tailed tit
Vistula river side…
I like to shot our river and surounding… specially at winter time when is empty, cold and sometimes foggy weather. Only small group of tourist and few locals are walking around, alone, with dogs or to feed a birds.