Enjoy the sun!
My jay yesterday afternoon, enjoy the sun.
JAY (Garrulus glandarius) | 11.06.2018. time: 18.56 | View from my studio window, Kraków, Poland.
In the case of a jay…
In the case of a jay, there are no shortcomings in their beauty.
Even on this close-up, my tree, playing with new lens today…
No photo manipulation.
W przypadku sójki, żadnych uchybień w urodzie nie stwierdzono.
Zabawy nowym teleobiektywem. Dzisiaj na dębie z okna pracowni. Bez fotoszopa.
Sójka (Garrulus glandarius)
Storks. Biebrza River.
Two very hot days over the Biebrza river and a lot of stork nests around.
Young storks protected from the sun by the mother’s wings. North Poland, Biebrza National Park.
Dwa bardzo gorące dni nad Biebrzą, wokół pełno bocianich gniazd.
Na pierwszym zdjęciu małe bocianki chronione skrzydłami bociana przed słońcem. Północna Polska, Biebrzański Park Narodowy.
Let’s take care of each other in this New Year and Every Year!
Let’s take care of each other 🙂 in this New Year and Every Year!
This lovely couple of Collared Doves is already few years with us. In winter time they are comming every day and waiting on the tree or on the balcony railing. I feeding them on the windowsill under the small birds feeder.
Dbajmy o siebie nawzajem w tym Nowym Roku i w każdym kolejnym!
Ta urocza parka sierpówek jest z nami już kolejną zimę. Zawsze czekają na na drzewie albo na poręczy balkonu aż sypnę im ziarenek.
Lovely couple of Collared Dove.
This lovely couple of Collared Doves is already few years with us.
In winter time they are comming every day and waiting on the tree or on the balcony railing.
I feeding them on the windowsill under the small birds feeder.
Starling (Sturnus vulgaris).
Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) on my tree reminds me that feeding time is comming…