Usually meet them somewhere on the lawns, close to people. Suddenly a jackdaw on a tree! A beautiful, though common bird, fit well with spring green. Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) Jackdaw, jackdaw (Corvus monedula). — Zwykle plączą się gdzieś pod nogami a tu kawka na drzewie! Piękny, choć pospolity ptak i jak jej do twarzy wiosennej […]
Bird watching season is open.
Today morning we started the bird watching season, but the only attraction was this pair of „bears” on the edge of the forest and the river, waiting to bark the dogs taken for walks from the nearby housing estates… We are waiting for oriole, which we visited regularly in May last year. A few snapshots […]
Tube birdfeeder was forced today!
At the end of the feeding season, rock pigeon forced the bird feeder. — Na koniec sezonu dokarmiania miejskie dobrały się do karmnika!
New waterproof backpacks at Forum Designu
Only in stationery Shop Forum Designu. New for spring!