I started new observations.
Couple of wood pigeons built a nest just in front of my studio window and is patiently incubating. Today during a heavy rain. — Zaczynam nowe ekscytujące obserwacje… Para grzywaczy zbudowała gniazdo dokładnie na wprost mojego okna od pracowni i cierpliwie na zmianę wysiadują. Dziś podczas ulewnego deszczu.
DIY Wood House bird feeder
Label start-kit included felt sponge to clean feeder after winter season, seeds for good start and assembly instruction. — Pakiet startowy zawiera filc do czyszczenia karmnika po sezonie, ziarna słonecznika na dobry start i instrukcje składania.
Brash bird attack on human.
Two weeks ago there was a brash bird attack on a human. We saw a roman seagull circling and making noise. After a while, we saw a diver in the water who was swimming near the stone on which she was stationed. The seagull kept coming up and attacking the diver who was trying to […]