NAJMRO Najmrodzki
Poszliśmy dziś na NAJMRO do kina. Zdzisława Najmrodzkiego poznałam na Boska Komedia. Był to spektakl z miejskiego teatru w Gliwicach. Spektakl na którym odkryłam magie teatru, siłę kreacji i nieskrępowanej wyobraźni, też czysto dziecięcej. To było coś! Najmrodzki już w pierwszym wyjściu na scenę, a było to karkołomne wyzwanie, wypuścić głównego bohatera na samym początku […]
The Holy Trinity Chapel
The Holy Trinity Chapel is a must-see in Lublin. One of the most valuable monuments of medieval art in Poland and Europe. Gothic architecture covered with polychromes painted in an iconographic program taken from the Byzantine Empire. — Kaplica Trójcy Świętej punkt obowiązkowy w Lublinie. Jeden z najcenniejszych zabytków sztuki średniowiecznej w Polsce i w […]
Guccio and Claudia Mori. Have a nice Sunday evening!
Collared dove Gucio on my studio window.
❤️ send from Alex
Reading words like that from Alex I feel my dreams came true! That is what every designer works for. More shark review
Białowieża National Park
Vertical holes in the trunk are the result of the work of the black woodpecker, the cone is the large woodpecker which presses it into the tree trunk to make it easier to brush off the seeds. In addition, the great woodpecker is smaller than the black one. The last one is the result of […]
Short walk around Białowieża village with double luck :)
In the evening, the day before our departure, we went to see the Białowieża Towarowa station, famous for its exclusive apartments on the train and tower, and the Carska restaurant in the station building …. Even then, the atmosphere in the area was tense and we did not meet many tourists, but a two-headed deer […]
Mushrooms in natural forest
It was a lot about mushrooms, there are as many as 4,000 species in the forest. Fantastic tubes with brulee cream or shameless stink horn … and a 500-year-old Jagiełło oak. Białowieża National Park is a priceless nursery of species and genetic diversity, a living laboratory.
At the King Jagiello oak.
At the King Jagiello oak – 450 years old … A beautiful legend, but rather, they didn’t meet. — Przy dębie Jagiełły – 450 lat… Legenda piękna ale raczej się nie spotkali.