Feeding my dove couple after heavy rain today
Karmienie sierpówek dziś po ulewnym deszczu. Najpierw przyszła Niusia potem Gucio. — First came Niusia she dove for feeding, than Gucio…
I call him Sweethart ❤️
I love watching rooks. On our willow in a rainy day. View from my studio window. — Nazywam go Miluś 🙂 Uwielbiam oserwować gawrony. Na naszej wierzbie w deszczowy dzień. Widok z okna mojej pracowni.
Label start kit for new bird feeder…
The new label is a kind of start-kit with a portion of seeds, a photo of the great tit and interesting facts about it and finally with a felt sponge to clean the feeder after the season. — Nowa meteka jest rodzajem pakietu startowego z porcją ziaren, zdjęciem sikorki oraz ciekawostkami na jej temat, a […]
Niusia on the dryer
My she collared dove Niusia on the dryer … probably looking for sunflower seeds. — Niusia na suszarce… prawdopodobnie wypatruje ziaren słonecznika.
Łódź – time vehicle
Łódź – a time vahicle. On our way to the concert of Marc Almond and Midge Ure in Łódź, I fell into a time vehicle, not only because of the two artists I started listening to in elementary and high school, but because of the city itself. It is a few minutes from Piotrkowska, the […]