Great Tit on my oak.
Great tit. Yes, they are cute, sweet little balls but do not let their appearance deceive you because in the world of birds they are real robbers! — Sikorka bogatka. Tak, są słodkie, puchate kuleczki. Ale nie dajcie się zwieść ich wyglądem, bo w świecie ptaków to istne rozbójniki.
Gucio is back!
He had been gone for so long… I was almost sure that he had fallen prey to some predator, bad man, that something had happened to him. During this time, the full bowl of food was mainly emptied by jays and tit-mouses. Niusia was very rarely here and very distrustful, she only used the old […]
Hawfinch, also called stone eater, love fruits stones. It have very strong beak, so can easy handle cherry or blackberry stones. I collected a lot of them while making jams. Here it is nibbling acorn but I hope that it will come back once to check what I got… — Grubodziób, zwany również pestkojadem, uwielbia […]
Nuthatch in Tube. Thanks Joanna!
Yesterday Joanna from Germany send me this fantastic photo of a nuthatch in her feeder. It’s wonderful. I envy her nuthatch because he has never been in mine. Once he crept, but quickly flew away… — Wczoraj Joanna z Niemiec przysłała mi fantastyczne zdjęcie kowalika w swoim karmniku. To jest wspaniałe. Zazdroszczę jej kowalika bo […]
Two woodpecker on my oak tree.
Two large woodpeckers were chasing each other today on oak tree. — Dwa dzięcioły duż goniły się dziś po naszym dębie.
Jay today…
Today I caught a jay digging through a flowerpot. The jays often hide acorns here and sometimes forget about them. So a small oak tree in a pot has sprouted several times. By the way, I took a close-up photo and it leaves no doubt what a beautiful bird it is. What a charming look. […]
Summer meeting at Forum Designu.
Here with Alina Aliman founder of Full article here >>
Rook and magpie.
Już nie pierwszy raz zwróciłam uwagę, że gdy tylko gawron przysiada na gałęzi z jedzeniem obok zawsze pojawia się sroka i gapi sie się jak przysłowiowa…