Black Friday & Cyber Week 2020 Bird Feeders!
If you still looking for Xmas gifts, please take a look on my design – Acrylic Bird feeders.
I made a special Coupon Code for all bird watchers 50% off and free standard shipping at Etsy Shop >>
Hand made card for Bauhaus bird feeder.
New hand made card for Bauhaus bird feeder for every purchase in my Etsy shop.
Bird Book
My Bird Book. Best feeding moments selected for this hand made book of joy Available for viewing from today at FORUM Designu
Najlepsze momenty wybrane do ręcznie zrobionej książeczki dostępnej do obejrzenia od dziś w FORUM Designu
Lovely couple of Collared Dove.
This lovely couple of Collared Doves is already few years with us.
In winter time they are comming every day and waiting on the tree or on the balcony railing.
I feeding them on the windowsill under the small birds feeder.
First snow this winter, I hang my bird feeder.
BAUHAUS Bird Feeder.
Winter start…
First snow this winter.
Pierwszy śnieg tej zimy.